Put Mental Health First

Seasonal Events 28. Jul 2022

With World Friendship Day just around the corner, many companies are trying to create or spark a warm atmosphere among employees. Read more about how stress can affect your workers and what you can do to support a healthy working environment.

One in four people in the UK, will have a mental health problem at some point in their lives, and some of them can be caused by work related issues.

It's well known that work can sometimes be stressful, and even more than that, the pandemic showed that a stressful work environment can cause severe mental health issues and eventually drastic decreases in performance. Not to mention that prolonged exposure to such stress can lead to psychological and physical damage, including anxiety and depression.

So taking your employees' mental health seriously is not a luxury, but rather a basic human need. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives and our livelihoods, but throughout the last few years, it has triggered feelings of worry, distress and even loneliness for many of us. From workers and employees to leaders and CEOs, promoting positive mental health and supporting those who are struggling should be a priority for absolutely everyone.

To be clear, stress is a reaction to events in someone's private or professional life, or can even be a combination of the two. Events such as divorce, separation, postnatal depression, a medical condition, family issues - although outside of work, can still cause stress.

How work-caused stress can impact mental health

Here we must differentiate among three options. Work-related stress can cause, aggravate or not impact at all people's mental issues.

There certainly are people who experience anxiety, depression and other conditions without feeling the pressure of stress, as well as people can experience stress in the workplace and effects such as high blood pressure or fatigue without having a pre existing condition.

When there is already an existing condition, work related stress can aggravate the problem, making it even more difficult for the beholder, if he or she doesn't receive support at home and at work. 

If work-related stress has triggered a condition, that makes it more difficult to separate the two and get treated accordingly.

The good news is that, regardless which one of the above options is taking place, everything can be tackled by taking action or removing the stressors, and help the person in case to reduce their illness.

What can employers do about it

There is nothing more human than asking for help when you're in need, regardless of whether that's at home or at work, and health issues make no exception to this rule. Yet, sometimes it's difficult to bring up personal issues in a professional environment, therefore we have compiled a list of fairly simple actions recommended by the UK Government which any employer can implement.

  • Put together a work plan and communicate it to your employees that describes how they can be supported
  • Assemble a discrete team responsible for mental health issues that people can contact when they feel most in need
  • Develop mental health awareness among employees so that they feel comfortable to reach out
  • Encourage open conversations and reduce stigma around this difficult subject
  • Promote effective people management and encourage workers to talk to their in-line manager about anything that might come up
  • Routinely monitor employees - set quarterly or biannually talks and feedback sessions

Promotional products that could help reduce stress

Showing you care about this topic, that you support and understand the struggle, can come in the form of a company gift. We have cherry-picked a few products that not only reduce the stress, but might as well show how thoughtful you are:

  1. Stress relievers that come in all shapes and sizes
  2. Personalised notebooks to keep their thoughts organised
  3. Lunch boxes to make sure they don't skip meals
  4. Water bottles to keep them hydrated
  5. Desk frames and desk accessories that keep their spirits up

For more information on promotional products and company gifts, contact our customer service via the free hotline at 0800 085 6660 or via email at customerservice@allbranded.co.uk.